Any way to stay with Infinityfree and/or get my content

Sorry for returning to the forum. The moderators/admins/others have been great - it is just that I am ignorant. I knew enough to create my website and not enough to restore it since you upgraded the php. (Considered premium upgrade to ifastnet but feel reluctant since no answer from them so far to ensure migration - and reviews I’ve read also have indicated others have had difficulty reaching them even after joining them - worst case scenario as the only reason I’d go to Premium is to change the php - is that if they do not migrate the site and it is not restored - there’s no way to cancel monthly fee except by email with them - credit card company said if that problem happened, only way would be changing my card number something I want to avoid - apparently no way to turn off that subscription in the account and without any replies so far I do not feel reassured to upgrade to them as they have not replied and it’s been a few days.When trying to upgrade inside my cpanel it goes into endless cycle and connects to another non-existant login to upgrade - with no customer support I am uncertain it will be migrated so i can change the php - if it did not, no way to stop the subscription either except through an email which so far has not been replied to.)

So, I suppose my final question, I see the cpanel in infinity free and file manager - is there a way I can get my content since I am unable to even enter my pivotx to see my pages - used filezilla years ago (unrelated) but am trying and not being successful - so anything I can download which will give me my content since my site is now unavailable due to php being 7.4 and the recent Infinityfree upgrade went to 8.2? Any way to retrieve my content to perhaps put onto another web/blog platform like Wordpress? I am sorry, but I am ignorant of this - I know how to copy it if in pivotx - do not know how to do it in cpanel or file manager - I did copy sql to my pc - uncertain if possible to retrieve my content since the php change. Very discouraged presently. Just want my website restored but looking bleak now due to reluctance to use ifastnet since no replies received and no way to cancel subscriptions - and my inability to get my content so far.

May be my last posting, again, thanks to all who have replied this past week- I would gladly switch to Worpdress if I could get my content copied. If there are any other ideas/advice I welcome it - and, again, your hosting has been great - just wish my website had continued when the php upgraded on server so I could stay here. If there was any way to even temporarily downgrade my php so I could retrieve everything it would be good or any other way to use the cpanel and file manager to get my content because I do not know how but can follow instructions. Anyway, thank you, again, all of you have always been so helpful.

I would insert that new php version for pivotx at Github - I downloaded it to my pc - but am stuck after that.

To get your files with FileZilla, just follow this guide (But download instead of upload). There is a video tutorial at the end of it if you get stuck.


Thank you. Trying now.

OK, am now downloading pivotx files from my htdocs to my computer…hope I’m doing it right - see transfer of that happening. I might try to upload the new php version of pivotx from github once this is copied. Right now, copying to my pc my pivotx files from htdocs. Thank you for helping me with this guidance.

OK, I downloaded files with my website name and then pivotx from htdocs. Not sure exactly what to do next…however my files did transfer. Now, I am considering uploading that github new version of pivotx into my hosting with Infinityfree OR seeing how I can add these downloaded files/content i want to use into a new installation - of course, pivotx has my content - not sure how I get that into a Wordpress since it is a different app - however, I did transfer files succesfully.

Not sure if I copied everything needed - but I did do everything under my website name and also pivotx files - all transferred/copied to my pc.

Any suggestion on my next step - I am considering using filezilla to install that github newer php version of pivotx OR if there is some way these files can be utilized in a Wordpress install which i can easily install? Again, I know you are providing more guidance than usual - and I do appreciate it. I have my files…and will think about this,

(Update - looking through my downloaded files, see pages.php and much more…so it appears to all be there…leading me to think I can put some of this somewhere to recreate…I will research/read.)

I’m reading on how to build a new website…thank you for all this information. I am pleased I was able to download it all thanks to your guidance. I am now learning from a lot of past knowledge base articles and discussions on the forum with others. :slight_smile:

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