Adding a DKIM record to the DNS SPF records for outside email service

I am trying to add an email service to my domain, but having trouble with adding a DKIM record to the SPF records and was hoping somewhere here had experience and could let me know how to resolve the issue. My domain is registered with NameCheap, but I host the site here at InfinityFree. NameCheap offers an affordable email service so that I can use my domain name in my email, but you have to configure your MX Entry and SPF records on your host for it to work. I was able to update the MX Entry without issue, but cannot update the SPF records as they request due to a limitation in the dropdown on that control panel page. I need to add “default._domainkey” as a host name, then add the DKIM values in the text, but it does offer or allow that as an option, only “”

Is there a way to add this entry so that I can use this email service? Help would be appreciated, thanks.

Hi and welcome back to the forum! Let’s celebrate your 4 years anniversary since we’re at it as well!

Anyway, back to being serious. DKIM records are not an option if you’re using our nameservers, but you can still use Namecheap’s BasicDNS, configure that with their email service and also set up an A record for your domain and for www that points to, so your website will still work while you also have the emails there.


Another way is to use CloudFlare


Thank you for your prompt response and letting me know that DKIM records are not an option. I appreciate all the other information also, but sadly we are well above my technical pay grade at this point; if namecheap didn’t give me a step by step on setting this up so far, I would have been completely lost! But thank you for the suggestion and I will keep in mind, but propably best I cancel the service and find something much simpler my brain can handle! :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your suggestion :slight_smile:


Hold on tonenuff… Moving your DNS to Cloudflare is very easy. If you change your nameservers to cloudflare you will have the use of their FREE DNS service which includes the creation of any records you wish. In the end you would have
-CheapNames as your Registrar (where you bought the domain.
-CloudFlare as your nameservers & DNS host.
-Infinityfree as your website hosting provider.

All you really have to do to start is register an account with cloudflare & choose to use the free account services… It includes much more than you need in this case.
I moved over to Cloudflare because of the same issues you’re having… I needed to create records that were not possible here


Thanks for the further information, I will check it out :smiley:


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