
oggi mi sono registato su infinity, sto cercando di fare un account, ma mi da un messaggio

Your domain is not yet pointing to our nameservers and Please change your nameservers at your domain name provider and wait a few hours for the change to take effect. You can also create an account with a subdomain first. ma io li ho già cambiati nel mio dominio, quanto dovrò aspettare. datemi una risposta per favore

Hi and welcome to the forum! I’m glad to help you, but please note that this is an English-speaking forum and so you must speak in English or at least provide an accurate translation of your content. Since I’m Italian I can translate this for you:

What is the domain you’re trying to create a hosting account with, so we can help you?


ho preso un dominio su
poi ho cambiato i dsn con quelli di infinityfree da un giorno circa, ma ancora mi da lo stesso messaggio di ieri.

Oh, then when you changed your nameservers you might have come to this error, or if there was no error the change wasn’t accepted at all:


ho controllato su register mi da questo messaggio
L’operazione sul dominio risulta in corso.
Attendi per far sì che l’operazione si concluda correttamente.

Well, if you configured the nameservers, the registry might be afraid of the change and didn’t validate it, but then the registrar keeps waiting and waiting and waiting until eventually a DNS record has been added to the nameservers, which will always fail because of how our system is set up as the system expects the nameservers to be set before adding the domain on a new hosting account - and so no DNS records are set prior to that, while the registry expects the DNS records to be set on the nameservers prior to that. So I’m sad to say your domain can’t be hosted on free hosting momentarily, but in the future I think there will be more validation methods so you might eventually set up a DNS record and then add your domain successfully.


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