Hi there, my website address is tech128.ca
My account got suspended for “abuse” and now I can’t remove my addon domain from InfinityFree. Please help me. Thanks.
Hi there, my website address is tech128.ca
My account got suspended for “abuse” and now I can’t remove my addon domain from InfinityFree. Please help me. Thanks.
Why do you need to remove your addon domain in the first place?
We can’t let you remove domains from suspended accounts. The point of account suspensions are to stop harmful sites on our platform. Giving you the option to remove the domain, create a new account, and get your website back up and running immediately defeats the entire point of the suspension.
And if you want to move your domain elsewhere, you can just do so right now. You don’t need to touch any setting on your hosting account to move the website to a different provider.
Ok. So the support staff told me my account was suspended due to overload and it cant be un-suspended until i upgrade. Isn’t infinityfree supposed to allow unlimited resources?
I’m really unhappy with this. Just because I accidentally used “too much” resources my domain is locked with you guys for 60 days.
No. Sadly, the unlimited speed processor and unlimited size memory have yet to be invented. So all hosting providers in the world, including InfinityFree, need to place restrictions on this. Our home page clearly says that we provide unlimited disk space and bandwidth. That does not mean that everything else is unlimited as well.
What do you mean locked with us? You still own your own domain names, and you can host them wherever you want. You only can’t host the domains with us for a while. After all, what’s the point of locking an account down for high resource usage if you can immediately set up a new account to overload the servers with?
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