500 Error


Just a 500 error. I have no information about what is happening to my website.

Error Message

Website returned 500
Even the empty index.php file has an error

Other Information

Image from website

.htaccess file

Maybe you can close the curly brackets on line 34


Hi. When I view your site it says:

**Parse error** : Unclosed '{' on line 21 in **/var/www/errors/override.php** on line **34**
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You can try again later because it’s a server problem and iFastNet engineers should be fixing it soon.


Hi dev_prod,

I’m guessing this is supposed for engineers at server team instead of a question. :laughing:

As for you Websitedesigner:

I see a lot of your errors are CORS related, which can break things as not the whole js gets loaded to your website. Try adding CORS headers to your site by adding Header directives to the .htaccess. However without more information on your intended script usage and security intentions here’s a link you can reference.

CORS is different for every site and specific to the developer’s security expectations, so there is no general solutions or reference code except wide-opening ones, which doesn’t help anyways.

Try to create your own CORS and add the Header directive using this syntax in your .htaccess file.




Thank you for your interest. I tried to help the engineers and workers, but I guess it worked :smiley:
My website is in a better condition now.

Have a cool day!

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