414 URI too long handling

I don’t have any experience with PHP, and using ChatGPT isn’t going very well (been trying for a decent time, whenever i request a change something breaks and I have to go back to the origional code.

The only way I have to access that site through QuickLink is to go to https://quicklink.rf.gd/paste-data/ and paste in the query string.

As they always say – “there are many ways to solve the problem”.

I would have a template hosted on the server. Inside this template there would be variables.

I would pass the name of the template that I want and the data to be displayed to PHP.

PHP would read in the template, insert the data values, and output an HTML page.

Look into “boilerplate”. There are frameworks that you can install via Softalicious (like CakePHP or YiiFramework) which might make it easier.

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if you’re talking about trying to store data in a ‘sites.txt’ file, that was what I tried doing with ChatGPT (3.5, not 4). I might look into those on a seperate site. For now, I think I’ll just leave QuickLink as it is while I figure out those. Thanks!


If you know of an encryption algorythm that generates shorter results than CryptoJS, please tell me. Things like Base64 are fine because I don’t need a high level of security, also maybe you know of a compression library that makes the text unreadable? If so, please tell me how to use the one that produces the shortest output.

I think the problem is the amount of text you are encrypting, not the compression algorithm.

That is why I was suggesting moving most of the information to templates and store on the server (instead of trying to pass via URL).

This way you only need to pass a small amount of data (name, title, image name, text, etc.) and then PHP will plug those values into the template and output an HTML page.

The amount of data you are trying to encrypt is just too large for the browser’s URL.


Yes, I know, but I just wanted to try and temporarily reduce the problem. I think I’ll start learning PHP.


I think I’ll start learning PHP.

It’s the only way. :smile:

I’ve been at it for 24 yrs and I still learn new stuff all the time.

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It is a really really really bad idea to encode your pages content in the URL. Not only are you going to run into size constraints (like you are now), but private data should NEVER be placed in the URL itself.

The best way to do this (without learning any programming languages) is to just have a separate page for your 404 error (Like “pages/404”) with the 404 error hardcoded into it.


Oh yeah I’ll probably put a warning saying not to put personal info into your site. For now, at least, this is meant for shorter sites. Also, I don’t know why you are talking about 404 errors. This is meant to just be a way to quickly share content that you already have as HTML/CSS/JS, or a game you made that doesn’t require images from the server. I may later update this site with PHP code for uploading images, getting URLs with a custom name (like quicklink.rf.gd/site/your_site_name/). As I said though, it’s meant to be a < 30 second temporary solution that is not meant for long/permanant webpages. If you did paste a bunch of stuff and read the warning it gave you, you would see that there is still some sort-of workaround for now.

Hey I lost the track of this thread hence why I want to ask a question:
Why do you put content in the URL? Is it supposed to be a way to store things? Way to deliver content to the server in order to save it in a database?

So that you can generate a link in < 30 secs without an account or any login details to remember.

If you upload your own files and stuff, you need to have login details and stuff so that random people can’t just delete your site.

(You are not allowed to use our hosting for content hosting afaik, it has to be about hosting websites)

Sorry, I meant to type 414 (referencing the htaccess code from before), but my brain defaulted to the more common 404.

Better way would just be to have dedicated pages for each pages, and customize the URL however you want before sharing. No PHP required.

what was the ‘afaik’ word supposed to be? “I’m afraid”, maybe?

As far as I know.

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I don’t know what you mean. Do you mean, ‘just tell someone to get a domain’? uploading pages to the server allows anyone to delete them, if you don’t have auth (which requires PHP as far as I’m concerned). This is meant to be < 30 secs, and creating a free hosting account and uploading the files takes longer that 30 secs

Is this true, Greenreader9?

It is literally on the Terms of Service page.