404 not found



404 not found

I website works through facebook and a direct search link

Browsers ‘Google’ for example, whom I contacted with feedback about indexing is not finding the new site hosted by Infinity and built with Site.pro in site builder

Please help me

Thank you very much and I greatly respect and appreciate your help

Warm Regards,


Good Morning, Hello from Australia. I have hosted my Website using Infinity and then LetsEncrypt for the SSL on Infinity. Thank you very much for allowing us startups to use Infinity. I am getting the 404 not found as well unfortunately. I built the website again using the site.pro builder. The site works through facebook or a direct site login but I cant get it indexed on a browser or there is something else I’m have not set up properly. I cant find the new website on broswers. I moved from Go Daddy to Infinity. Please help me. My wife and I have tried everything to get it going. Thank you very very much for your help. It is greatly respected and appreciated

I don’t see any 404 errors, can you link to the specific page(s) where they are occurring?

You may want to try clearing your cache:


Good Morning Greenreader9, Thank you for your help

I cleared the Cache on the website and it is now working in Infinity/Site.pro as well
I cleared the cache on the 404 page itself which seemed to help

Its that the website is not accessible in browsers

That’s because the following folders do not exist on your website:


Make sure these folders are uploaded over FTP. Alternatively, you can redirect them to a custom 404 page (Or although not recommended, your homepage), if you want.


Thank you Greenreader!

That’s because the following folders do not exist on your website:


How do I upload these folders over FTP?

Are these folders drawn from the previous Godaddy hosting page I changed from to infinity

Will it change the new website my wife and I just built?

Warm Regards,



Hello Greenreader,

Thank you very much for your help
I hope you all have an awesome day!

Warm Regards,


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Hi Greenreader,

I’m sorry to ask another question

If the (m) and (ola) came from the godaddy site originally and was indexed by Google on the 17.03.2023 when I changed domains to Infinity (Which I love and is the right thing to do)

How do I remove them and what exactly are they?

Can I ask Google to re-index the new site set up with Infinity/Site.pro?

Or is there an easier way? - Clear it somewhere here?

I really do greatly appreciate your help!
Thank you very much!

Warm Regards,


You can add your site to Google Search Console and submit the new URLs. As for the old ones, I would create a “This page has moved” HTML file, and set that as our 404 error page.


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