403 Error in Website

Website URL


Error Message

403 Error

Other Information

I can’t access the website because of this 403 error. Can anyone help me with this?

(nothing here)


My hosting volume is vol18_1.

My bad, that’s a normal 403.

Look at this:


I have an index.php file in that directory. But I still face the issue. I have installed WordPress in that directory using the Softaculous installer.

Could you provide a screenshot of that folder?


Yeah. Here you have it.

That seems weird to me. Try deleting the domain then add it back again, and reinstall wordpress in it.

Make sure to check for any .htaccess rules that contains Deny.


.htaccess doesn’t have any deny. Let me try deleting and reinstalling WordPress.

The same error even after deleting and reinstalling WordPress and the domain.

After adding some random things on your url it worked fine:

I suppose there’s something wrong with your home page. Try change to some default theme maybe?


Dude I literally couldn’t access the admin login page.

This case is really strange to me right now.

Try create another hosting account, install wordpress in it, and see if the issue is still there. If not, use that account. If yes, try manual installation. It is possible that softaculous screwed something up (though not likely).


Ok, Let me try it dude. Wait.

It works when using another hosting account but I can’t use this domain. What should I do?

You can now delete both your root domain and the subdomain from the previous account, and add them to your new account, install wordpress (if necessary) to see if the issue persists.


Ok, dude Tnx for your support. If I have any further doubts I’ll post here again.

I had my website in WordPress and now my htdocs directory is completely empty.

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