403 Access denied & can't login to FTP/File Manager

Website URL


Error Message

When i go to website by browser, it show text only: 403 Access denied
When i go to File Manager, it asked me to log in. after that: Too many incorrect login attempts. Please try again in 5 minutes.
When i use WinSCP (FTP), it showed: Access Denied

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)


My site is also became unavailable with exactly the same symptoms: “403 Access denied” on any page, no FTP/FileManager access.
Address: freerss2.freecluster.eu

I see these

Please show ftp logs


This is a normal error for websites using infinityfree. I once read in this provider’s documentation that this is free hosting for the purpose of creating a website, not for creating something else. Therefore, they need to ensure that the browser accessing the web must support JS (typically a browser that does not support JS is Postman, the purpose of postman is to call the api). This hosting does not serve the purpose of creating api.

WinSCP simply shows: Access Denied

Answer is right here


What is the hosting volume?


i don’t know :slight_smile: that is account of IF, i only login.

Yeah no, getting 500 status code on aes.js is not normal.


this is what I see using firefox on linux mint in london england


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