20k - secret

It’s been a few years, but we made it! We’ve reached a whopping 20,000 forum users!

Thank you so much to everyone who has visited here in the more than seven years that we’ve had this forum! Thank you to everyone who have answered questions here, helped bring issues to light, or just stuck around for the fun and banter. Thank you to everyone who has come here more recently or who has been with us since the Grendel Hosting days. I’m grateful to see all of you here and hope you’ll stick around!

Did you know that some of the code from Grendel Hosting still lives on in the InfinityFree client area?

@Greenreader9 - Congrats to everyone for helping us reach this amazing milestone! I am honored to be a member of this amazing community :trophy: :tada:

@Oxy - I greet everyone with whom I talked, entertained and socialized during my 6 years here :beer:

Be sure to like this post so we know you found it!