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I’m a sneaky sneak

I sneakity snuck my way into the exclusion zone. No Russians so far… maybe they abandoned it (I wonder why).

I keep sneaking with my ultra secret and ultra sneaky crew through the forests. One thing is apparent: the trees aren’t red! They lied! It’s fake! Just like the moon landing!

I get to Chernobyl and I realize why the Russians are gone:
zombies! Lots of them!

They’re just standing there… but then they attack my sneakers! Ouch! I guess they saw through my super sneaky sneaking!

I snuck away with my sneaky team, but I almost didn’t make it out alive!!! Good thing my sneak skills paid off!

This is a joke guys I found Chernobyl and zombie mods for Arma 3 and I wanted to try them out