Intermittently returns timeout

Website URL

https://jmail.rf.gd https://jftp.rf.gd

Error Message

Timeout error

Other Information

These two domains, which use for IP, intermittently returns timeout.

Over the past 2 days that IP has gone down at least 3 times, and it also has quite a bit of up-and-down around Christmas. Nothing you can do about it, hopefully it recovers soon.


Do you know roughly the day it started having issues? My Account’s creation day is 2024-12-13, and I seem to have experienced issues a week after.

The 22nd of December. It’s also the only server that’s having consistent issues recently so looks like the hosting gods wanted to mess with you :slight_smile:

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Yeouch! Well, I’ll just have to spend a week performing a safe shutdown, backup, domain removal, close account, and reverse with different account. The reliability of the service I made is kinda important.

When I do open a new account, I just hope this IP isn’t assigned. If it is, it’s a curse. :rofl:

Some modifications were made after the issue in December that should help. But it appears that the IP address was being attacked again yesterday, which will have caused intermittent issues to websites on that IP.

It should be better now though!


For now, I’m just going to wait until the SSLs expire on my sites, then I’ll transfer. As of right now, I am busy doing other things that would essentially take time away from transferring sites.

Good to hear that there are changes in place to try and mitigate the issues!

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