10000 forum users celebration - special event

I know But My Real situation sucks.




I’m 2323rd!

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1 month for me before I watched a yt vid

hey, I have only been coding for 6 months

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I didn’t need to use classes, so that might be why.

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Well well…
When was the first time you got into coding for first?
I used to program in game makee language when I was like 10 (almost 8 years ago) but then abandoned for 6 years because of my real life.

august 2021

September of 2020…

Technically, August of 2020 because of a camp, but September was the first time I tried it out of prompt.


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@anon19508339 when did u start coding (i did in aug 2020 and my first major project was deployed (on if) in september 2020)

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I did it!


There, it’s updated and much better now.

It calculates how much exp you need to get up to a rank, and even displays the results formatted based off of your number system (adds commas every thousand, adds periods for decimals, e.t.c. What I said also depends on where you live, like if you live in Sweden it will be switched. Periods for thousands, commas for decimals, e.t.c)!

The game is called Phantom Forces.

Mobile support is going to be a major update, too.

Like it?

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I made my script 10x more efficient and comfortable.


Heck yeh!

Now I don’t have to worry about the names of the files I need to load in because if I change the file’s name it’s as easy as changing the resource name in main.js

Much easier than copy-pasting across every webpage :wink:

It’s only working in exp.html rn…

A bit of bad graphic design (the results text has same color with the background, which makes it invisible unless you highlight it)
But you’ve done an interesting thing with commas!

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Huh, it’s invisible?

Weird, it isn’t for me. It should be gray, which is against a black background meaning it should be visible.

Well yes but actually…

Weird, it shouldn’t do that…

Why isn’t it styling the output…

Can you tell me what browser version you are using and the browser’s name?

It works fine for me, see?

Google Chrome latest version.

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Huh, IDK then.

Try refreshing your cache, because it should work.

Yep it works, how did it cache when i never visited your site before?

Haven’t played but based on my gaming interests, it sounds cool. :+1:

The cache might have been corrupted, OR I was fixing/improving on it while you joined.