I already told you to stop looking at yourself that way
because that only reinforces the negative effect
Your thoughts create your reality
therefore, anyone must be very careful what they think and recognize when their brain starts having mental diarrhea to stop it and change the subject.
You are young and it is somewhat normal to search for yourself and try many things until you find something that interests you
What you need is persistence - so if you start something, try to bring it to an end (if there is an end at all) or at least materialize it in some form.
Besides that, you are interested in many things - hunger for knowledge and understanding of the world around us.
It is normal and characteristic of a mature person or IQ
When someone is young, they also have the desire to prove themselves to the world “that he can”
Some do it even when they get old because they haven’t matured yet or had a feeling of inferiority or some trauma from the past.
Generally, we all do it to some extent…
No one has a formula for a successful life
life is a strange thing - why live at all when you’re going to die anyway, why all that effort day after day?
The more you know about people and the world, the more screwed you are.
So when someone who is in quotation marks “successful”
and in fact, he inherited wealth from his parents (or through some criminal activities)
when they interview him
then he starts talking crap like “it’s because I’m very determined and I have a vision blah blah”,
instead of admitting that he is simply lucky (or admitting that he inherited wealth so many doors are open to him at the start).
In the same way, when someone makes a song, he won’t say I took drugs so I got “inspiration”, but he will say:
“I sat in the meadow picking daisies and connected with nature, so the juices of inspiration flowed - and the notes in my head appeared”
because it is easier to lie to yourself and others than to be realistic.
They lie to give themselves more value.
It’s easy when someone is a limited person
and nothing else interests him except one specific thing, and then all the time of his life plunges into it.
It is more difficult for people who have a lot of interests, they are more versatile and then life pushes them into various spheres over the years.
It’s best to tell yourself “I am what I am” and the essence of your life is to be happy - whatever you do.
There is no point in being the most respected scientist and the winner of several Nobel prizes if you are not happy and your life is not fulfilled.
Live life in such a way that
if you die tomorrow you can tell yourself “I lived happily and fulfilled - I tried everything and experienced everything”.
In fact, most of us would be happy if we were alone in the world and didn’t compare ourselves to anyone,
if you were alone on an island for years, you would probably think of yourself as a very successful person, you would be happy because you wouldn’t see some rich fool bragging.
Nor would anyone tell you “you should do this and do like this”, nor would anyone judge you from the outside about your life - except yourself
This then ultimately brings us to this question:
Are you living life for yourself or for others ?
When you give yourself the answer to that,
then you will do what you think is right and arrange your life according to those principles.