10000 forum users celebration - special event

R.I.P my guy

well i am not too bothered about it, as it is being reworked

how can i speed up google?

this topic never gets old smh

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welcome back


The fewer fonts you have the better.

I keep fonts files on my website and I offer only woff2

Less work for DNS, fewer requests and no ton of miscellaneous CSS that Google offers with fonts.

in addition, my site uses a “roboto” font that everyone already has in the cache and especially all on android OS .

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see, I use google and whatever they serve

yeah, however i am trying to make everything stand out and look nice

like everyone else

When choosing fonts, it is important to include web safe fonts in the code
and choose those that look as close as possible to the one you chose as “fancy”.

Because as long as the browser does not load font files (from google, etc.)
it has to wait and time is wasted
and what’s worse it tries to display the text as soon as possible and then uses a font that has it built-in and then you see after a second (or more) how the font has changed on your page which can be quite intrusive and repulsive.

I measured a few times and it turned out a lot faster if I hosted the fonts.

As I stated earlier, the part is lost while the browser makes DNS for google domains
then there are 5 or more requests for various CSS that you don’t need, like Cyrillic etc.

Sometimes it is much faster to make an image in which the desired text is on the desired font
instead of loading the font file/s which you only use for two sentences or a title.

it’s all a compromise
you have to cut somewhere and add somewhere
and strive to be within 2 seconds

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I might get banned, so should i pull them off another host?


Why would you be banned?
it is a standard file for a website

even bootstrap has icons in woff2 format
Tons of WP themes and plugins use font awesome icons also that are packaged in woff2
or some other format depending on how many years back in the past you want to cover depending on the browser version.

but I doubt anyone will come to you with a 10 year old browser

Definitely read this

P.S. There are online converters from one format to another (e.g. ttf to woff2) which also includes the required CSS as well.

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because it technically is classified as a non-website file

if they do, i’m ready for them…

im getting 403’d on the forum

I have stored it for years and I have no problems

what host

because Cloudflare thinks you’re doing XSS
and your code is a trigger


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XSS protection from CF WAF

why is it getting triggered tho???

No need to quote my post above

because it is ON

You probably have some code that you wanted to post that is suspicious to it and that was the trigger


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it isn’t

the whole of my post: if anyone wants a script to block ie,```<!-- Polyfill for MR. annoying" AKA - Pastebin.com