10000 forum users celebration - special event

This hosting? No problem.

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not this, vps/sandbox provider

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Good job.

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What if this topic hits 10000 replies? :thinking:

My internet is dead slow for discord to load, or my very old laptop is having issues loading discord rn

It would lock automatically because that is the max number of posts for public topics,
for PM it is 500

stuff could still keep writing on the topic


I’m not,but are u

So let’s put nodejs on our servers and get cool blue screens for everyone

ready to ruin your pc?

@system :rage:

Haha no

*me running nodejs without any issues

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Same, but blue screens are cool

Why not try this[$ :(){ :|:& };: ] in ubuntu?

Cos I’m on windows

He doesnt know english and doesnt let me post sometimes.(Body is unclear, complete it in a sentence?)

Same, posting that it said YO SUP DUDE, CHANGE BODY COS ITS SIMULAR
(if it doesn’t like body, try head)

Fortunately I could see this text without wearing my glasses and zooming on it.


Is system a guy something? (cannot edit my previous post, my bad)

Does discourse not support backslash for emoji symbols?

Congrats @KangJL on receiving Aficionado Badge.

(And welcome to the Regular Club)(you have hidden your profile, so i cant see it :frowning: )

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