10000 forum users celebration - special event

2 vids :slight_smile:

  1. https://twitter.com/GeeDawg55975157/status/1515020546433507338?s=20&t=HmC1wmhEW2JBvwo1Th4n1Q

  2. https://twitter.com/MarxNetwork/status/1515306806343577601?s=20&t=WNeLjV_YVPS3uhgMlV5knw

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Yeah, I assumed it might be a missing object file or something. Weird, though. I tried debugging and it didn’t end well. Now I’m getting into C all because of one thing like this (for the better, though).

Barely studied for my stats exam and aced it. Don’t know what ya worried about.

Oh wait, stats ez XD

Don’t forget about botnets!

Are you actually “Ifastnet”?

Interesting. Admin ain’t that formal, and you may soon learn why admin never partakes in this topic (crazy here XD)

@Oxy , time for some daily songs comin at ya.

Have fun binge-listening!

Yeah, let’s give it up for Niviro and free-songs!

Infinityfree === NCS of hosting

If ya like Niviro already (I don’t see why you wouldn’t), go on and knock yourself dead:

My recommendations? All of them!

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I am gonna attempt an nation wide exam, I have prepared well, but yk the stress.

btw hi sfw neutrino

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Impersonation is prohibited not only in this forum but everywhere
and you can be sure that forum staff would disable such acc immediately after creation if it is not real


wdym “nationwide”

and hello “nsfw” grizzly. Didn’t know you were in on that :slight_smile:

Btw, “Get my Love” by Niviro is so erotic, the small lyricless vocals that they do really makes you perk up, however the song itself is a banger. Wow! Listen, you guys gotta!

To clarify, no it is not in any way “inappropriate.” However, the vocals really do have a certain… mmmmm how do I say this… arousing aspect to it. IDK, just listen it’s fine :slight_smile:

Also, his “Diamond” is also so euphoric and yet hard-hitting. Words cannot describe that song, so go listen to it yourself:

The beginning really makes those hardstyle hardies go crazy.

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happy easter!


You too!

Forgot to wish yall one too.

Regardless of your religion (although everyone knows the easter bunny was a conspiracy by dentists to earn them more money), I hope you find it to be enjoyable!



Thanks! You too!


Congrats to @lovebug



Celebrations!! :partying_face::raised_hands::fireworks::sparkler::balloon::clinking_glasses::birthday::christmas_tree::christmas_tree::jack_o_lantern::tada:… END, no more emojis in my emoji box.


I compete against around 21.5 lakh students.

I am not so nsfw these days, but hey you were the innocent guy on that discord and I hope you are now too

sad deleted account noises

@Admin by any chance can I have that recovered?


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Hurray!! RUSSIA DEFEAT :metal:

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Competing for what though?

for marks? good grades?

Its like the board exams,

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national level board of education in India for public and private schools, controlled and managed by the Government of India. Established in 1929 by a resolution of the government, the Board was indeed a bold experiment towards inter-state integration and cooperation in the sphere of secondary education. There are approximately 26,054 schools in India and 240 schools in 28 foreign countries affiliated to the CBSE.

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In the U.S?

I don’t get it. Is this an optional competition or something?