10000 forum users celebration - special event

The forum system suspends accounts for 100 years if the client account which is connected to it is deleted.

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:thinking: and why was it deleted

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tonight we dine in hell…again


welcome to the hell, what would you like to eat?

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How did u get it to be blue but not a link?

I made a sm0l JS library that uses ~2k lines of code, plus a stargazing project that took about ~3k lines of data (which I will remake eventually cuz it doesn’t use canvas so oof).



It’s embarrassing enough that I have to use a school computer for my work, and I have to play video games at a library.

I’m a programmer, I should have a computer of my own :angry:


Well I only have a second hand computer with 2GB of ram and 500GB of HDD. I don’t even have money to buy a 4GB ram hard drive :frowning:

Running a server on my computer is very hard because of this, and my internet is too awful to reach most of third party hosting providers, USA sanctions against iran is the worst side. Even I cannot access to Amazon to buy my inquiries because of this :slight_smile:


Lucky. I have a second-hand with 300GB



Wait, what?

Amazon is blocked (how does that work)?

Is it Iran or Iraq (or both) that the U.S is against?

My mom said that we r just helping Iran (cuz corrupted leaders), but IDK…

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I have had to use a computer which was adult (yes it was a pc with 50GB hard drive, 500MB ram and its case is made in 90’s :|)

It’s only two years since I’ve migrated to my second pc.


Let me say, I remember that I once registered to them and my account got closed due to the USA trade law.

Honestly… If they’re really helping Iran they shouldn’t apply sanctions against people of here. This IS NOT HELPING, I cannot even use PayPal after my 18 :sob:
And the international bank isn’t accessible here due to USA, it means I cannot even apply my credit card to websites outside Iran.



Yeah, that’s the problem with website monopolization to a certain country - they decide to shut down their service and boom! You’re isolated!


I’m actually banned from American hosting providers too, If I’m here it’s because IF is from Europe :confused:
I appreciate it.



I want to go to our previous president, and slap em in the face.

Altho, I’ve heard about Iran (or was it Iraq, I get them mixed up too often) and their nuclear stuff, which tbh is pretty scary (I am an ex-nuclear enthusiast. Tsar Bomba shattered windows as far away as Finland and Norway, which is 2k miles away from the blast site!)

The subject is becoming too scary and dark, let’s change it

So how are your cats doing? :smiley:


Frank got scared of the street cleaner XD


And I didn’t know that cats can be gay too before I had my latest cat xD.

… I mean, I saw him flirting with a male cat :expressionless:

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One more thing (from wikipedia):

Biden presidency[edit]

US President Joe Biden said on February 8, 2021, that he will not lift economic sanctions against Iran until it complies with the terms of the 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal. Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei had previously said that Tehran would only return to compliance if the US first lifted all economic sanctions.[69] On the other hand, Iran said that it would suspend the implementation of the Additional Protocol, if the other parties to the 2015 nuclear pact do not fulfill their obligations by February 21, 2021.[70]

So like, I be rooting for Biden to fix this mess :slight_smile:


The reason isn’t only because of nuclear stuff bro :slight_smile:

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What other stuff?